Ian and Donny have decided to step down as the 1st and 2nd officers, respectively.
Opus had stepped up as the new 1st officer, and Tydel as the 2nd.
We thank Ian and Donny for their years of service to the chapter!
Chapter 056 of the Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers
Ian and Donny have decided to step down as the 1st and 2nd officers, respectively.
Opus had stepped up as the new 1st officer, and Tydel as the 2nd.
We thank Ian and Donny for their years of service to the chapter!
Hi all, as per Doug on the CMC National forums (here) we will be switching our Sunday meeting time to summer hours (09:00) for the 2019 season starting Sunday May 5th, 2019.
See you then!
Please note that as of Sunday, September 23rd, 2018 we moved to the “out-of-season” meetup time of 10:00AM.
Hello all!
We’ve created a new website for the 056 to provide information on our chapter of the CMC.